Data Lineage Settings

Mapping specification records are auto synced with lineage tables as an when they are created or imported. You can re-sync mapping records with lineage tables in case of any disruption.

To re-sync mapping records with the lineage tables, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous Configurations > Data Lineage Settings.
  2. The following page appears.

  3. Use the following options:
    Add New
    Use this option to load only new mapping records that have been added to mapping specification table since the last sync.
    Delete & Reload
    Use this option to reload all mapping specification information into lineage table(s).
    This section displays statistical information about lineage sync.
    Lineage Sync History Log
    This section displays the lineage sync activity log.

Links Threshold

Lineage appears in two views, graphical and grid. Under the Links Threshold section, you can set the threshold value of connected links such that if number of connected links exceeds this value, lineage is not rendered in the graphical view. You can also control whether Overview Lineage is enabled for lineage reports.

To configure links threshold and overview lineage, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Links Threshold section, click .
  2. Use the following options:
    • Number of Connected Links

      Use this option to set the threshold value for connected links such that if number of connected links exceed this value, then lineage is not rendered in the graphical view. By default, this value is set at 3000.

      Overview Lineage

      Use this option to control lineage visibility (overview or expanded technical) for lineage reports. By default this option is enabled.

  3. Click .

The links threshold and overview lineage are configured.